Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!!

I knew you were going to be something special even before you were born. I went into labor with you during a lunar eclipse, so I figured that was some sort of sign.

You were such an easy baby. My labor with you was only 3 hours long. I spent an hour of that in bed at home trying to decide if I was really in labor. I spent the next hour soaking in the bathtub trying to get comfortable waiting for PopPop to arrive and watch Marc. I spent the next thirty minutes driving to the hospital.

The final thirty minutes was spent mostly just checking in and trying to convince the triage nurse that I was actually in labor. By the time I got a room and the midwife arrived to check my progress, I was ready to push. Three pushes later you arrived. My water never even broke. You surfed into this world. I never even broke a sweat.

The first thing I noticed is that you had the longest fingernails I'd ever seen on a baby. I don't have any good newborn pictures of you because you'd scratched yourself up so much in the womb with your talons. You were a very serious baby. You actually managed to nurse with a scowl on your face. You were content just to be carried around in the sling, watching what was going on around you.

But as the above picture demonstrates, you quickly learned to love the good things in life. I am not exaggerating when I say that "coffee" was one of your first words. Despite my best efforts not to gender stereotype you, you've grown up to be the girliest girl in the universe. You wear make up more often than I do. I don't think you own a piece of clothing that is not pink, or sparkly, or decorated with a kitty cat. You are truly a princess.

Today you turned 4. I can hardly believe how the time has flown. You light up my world every day with your smile and your laughter. You are my joy and my treasure. I love you Lisey.

Interestingly enough, my husband was simultaneously posting on the same topic in this post.


At 5/18/2007 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I"m not saying they're GOOD....but...

infant elise! She's grown so much!

At 5/21/2007 9:37 AM, Blogger An Enlightened Fairy said...

Awwww, I got teary eyed reading your post. I am such a sucker when it comes to kiddies. ;) She is so dang cute!!
***Happy Birthday Elise!!***

At 5/23/2007 3:19 AM, Blogger Sara Sue said...

Happy B-Day Elise!! She's a beautiful child and she's got such a sweet mommy!


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