Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Headache from Hell

I have had a headaches for over 3 days. It is awful. It started Saturday. I spent all afternoon in bed and had to miss our annual trip to the pumpkin patch and corn maze in Lancaster because I couldn't get my head off the pillow. I cried about missing it and sent text messages every ten minutes telling my kids I loved them and I was sorry.

It continued into Sunday. I couldn't do anything except curl up in a ball and close my eyes and try to sleep. I managed to get a few things done around the house but could only stay vertical for about 15 mins at a time before having to go back into the dark bedroom. I hate telling my kids to play quietly or mommy's head will explode. I hate it so much.

I actually felt better on Monday morning, but Monday afternoon it was back. I almost had Erik come get me at work because I wasn't sure I could drive home as the sun was setting. I dry heaved half the way home. I spent most of last night in tears. I went to bed at the same time as the kids because trying to stay awake was pretty much pointless.

Through all of this, I have been taking both of my migraine medications and they seem to be only half working. They'd work on the nausea and the light sensitivity. But they really didn't seem to be helping with the pain and last night I swore they seemed to be making it worse.

This morning I woke up feeling much better overall - but the headache is still there. Only it has settled into my face and I am coughing up huge wads of snot. Hey, guess what? Apparently as I was battling the migraine, I was also getting a sinus infection. Leave it to me to get two completely different headaches at once.

Autumn, I do love you but goddamn I hate your tag-a-long step-sister Ragweed.

Edited to add: I just got back from the doctor. She said, oooooh, that's baaaaad. Nasty sinus/ear infection. 10 days of horsepill antibiotics plus 6 days of steroids. Wheeeeeeeee.


At 10/16/2007 8:47 AM, Blogger JulieAnn said...

Hope you feel better soon, sweets. Headaches SUCK.

At 10/16/2007 9:30 PM, Blogger Sara Sue said...

You poor thing! What a wretched combo to be cursed with. I hope the meds help quickly.

At 10/18/2007 6:41 AM, Blogger J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Based on what you describe, I'm thinking hell would have been a vacation compared to this mega-migraine. Wow. What a bummer. Hope you're feeling better today.


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