Thursday, February 01, 2007

I think he meant STRIP club

It started yesterday. That little tickle in the throat. Which progressed to a big tickle in the throat. Which progressed to the worst sore throat ever plus a nice high fever this morning. I woke up and felt like someone had taken sand paper to my throat. Every muscle in my body ached. I didn't even bother - I just went straight to Patient First and had the test done. Yep, it's strep.

I called work and cleared my schedule to the next two days, then crawled into the recliner and watched Dawson's Creek re-runs until the high doses of pain killers started working enough that I could sleep. Which is what I also plan on doing tomorrow as well. Strep sucks.

Hubby's 30th birthday is tomorrow. He has a huge weekend planned. Saturday night we are supposed to go to our favorite Irish Pub and then to Scores with a group of, like, 25 people. The doctor assured me that I WILL feel better in 48 hours. I hope so, because right now I feel like cat poo.


At 2/02/2007 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bummer! I'm sure that somehow your kids have brought this plague home. . . Here's what I do when I get a really sore throat: do shots of vodka until I feel better. Really! It's medicinal and what self-respecting strep bacteria can live in vodka? At the very least you will relax and feel better for a while.
I hope you make the pub-crawl birthday party feeling 100%. Give the birthday boy a little pinch on the ass for me.

At 2/02/2007 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.

I've heard that gargling with salt water can help - not necessarily with strep though! Here's to a quick recovery!

At 2/02/2007 7:34 PM, Blogger from the ashes said...

You poor thing!

You will be better, you will be better, you will be better...

At 2/02/2007 10:04 PM, Blogger Lemon Blossom said...

Ugh, that sucks. I'm sorry! I hope you do feel better in time for Saturday.

And, yes, gargling with salt water can help. My dr. a long time ago also told me that sucking on chocolate also helps because it coats the throat as well. I usually stick to chocolate now! :)


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