Friday, February 09, 2007

I made an MTV logo... Wanna see?

I finally broke down this morning and went back to the doctor. I left with a Rx for a combination antihistamine/decongestant. Whoop-dee-doo, I thought. I've been taking that stuff over the counter all week with no improvement.

Oh, I was wrong... This magic white pill... Where do I begin?? I took the first dose at one, and then laid down for a nap (doctor's orders - fluids and rest, fluids and rest). I woke up around 3:30 and my first thought was... Hey, I can BREATHE!!! Then I got out of bed and immediately coughed up the first wad of phlegm. It was a doozey.

Now, you may not want to hear about my snot, but damn it - I'm gonna blog about it. Because it's been sitting in my sinus cavities for over a week and I was happy to see it OUT OF MY BRAIN. I have spent the past few hours hacking up loogies like a seventy year old man. It's fabulous. The magic white pill took a chisel to the snot rocks resting in my skull and the wall's a-tumbling down.

My husband doesn't see the beauty of this whole process and told me it was, in fact, NOT sexy to call him in to see what I coughed up in the sink. I told him the level of snot in my head is directly proportional to my level of bitchiness, so he'd better appreciate what's happening here.


At 2/10/2007 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Because it's been sitting in my sinus cavities for over a week and I was happy to see it OUT OF MY BRAIN."

This made me L. O. L.

And when Erik coughs up his own phlegm there is no way he doesn't look at it.

I'm just sayin'

At 2/11/2007 2:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is hilarious. I am LOLing.

Glad you're feeling better - love magic pills!!

At 2/13/2007 1:33 AM, Blogger Lemon Blossom said...

I love the title of the post. This whole thing is so funny. I wish I had been given a white pill. I got some sulfur antibiotic which gave me a reaction. Your pill sounds much better!


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