Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hop, Skip, Jump

We got called in for a parent/teacher conference. This strikes fear into the heart of any parent. My first reaction was WHAT DID HE DO?

Nothing bad, whew. His teacher has noticed over the course of the year that Marc is really excelling at math and reading. He decided to test him. He gave Marc the end of third grade assessment. Marc passed.

So now what? Marc has been referred for SST evaluation (Student Services Team). Over the next several weeks we will need to decide what to do with him, including the possibility of moving him from 1st grade directly to 3rd next year.

I want to cry. I don't know what to do. This is very overwhelming to me. I feel like either decision is the right one and the wrong one.

But seriously - what do you do with a seven year old who does this:

Question - create your own problem for ___ + 1 = ___
Marc's answer - ∞ + 1 = ∞


At 2/05/2008 10:21 PM, Blogger Ani Od Chai said...

Congratulations to Marc and to you! Great kids have great moms. I can totally relate to making that decision. I kept my boy in his original class and haven't regretted it for a minute. Socially, he wouldn't last very long with older kids. You have to know your child very well and make the decision with your eyes wide open and bear every aspect of his development in mind - social, academic, emotional. It's a tough decision, but you will do what is best for Marc. Good luck!

At 2/05/2008 11:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that's amazing. I can very much see how that would be a difficult decision on what to do. If it were my son (who is also ahead of his class), I would worry about his social/emotional age (which is about on par with his grade, and has just discovered infinity). But you know Marc and how he would do! Good luck with the decision.



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